Wednesday, February 11, 2009

WUAC Wednesday

So it's time for another WUAC Wednesday! In case this is your first time reading, WUAC stands for Whip Up A Card Wednesday. It's my way of sharing a bit of what I enjoy doing and also starting this week, we're implementing rules for you to play along and share your WUAC creations! So here is the low-down:

1. You have till the next WUAC Wednesday to post your creation in the Mister Linky at the end of this post.

2. You must somehow relate it to the card I post. This means you can do anything from using the same colors, layout, stamp set, embellishment, technique. Whatever your heart desires! I was telling Regan that if she really wanted to stretch it she could even say the only thing that was the same as my card was the size. I guess I'll accept that too =)

So this week I really wanted to make a birthday card since I've gotten two requests on Etsy (both from friends, so lets not get ahead of ourselves with excitement). Jamie did bug me a bit about doing a Valentine's day card so I figured I might as well dig out some super old V-day paper I got a Michael's and try to hack it up. So here's a bit of what I had to work with. I wanted to use the Happy Heart stamp set. I also wanted to use up a bunch of pink pirouette paper that I had cut and scored to be 3.5"x3.5" cards which I never ended up using.

Well by now you must know me a little bit and you know how I hum and haw and fiddle for what seems like forever. You'd never think it took me so bloody long to make all the simple cards I make. I just don't have that little finesse that others do. Nor do I have the time! It's flipping 12:42 am! Anyways so I really liked the look of having a scalloped patterned paper layered onto a solid cardstock. Here I've finally settled (at least I thought I was settled) on a 3.5"x3.5" pink pirouette, then a 3.25" square of white, a 3" square of regal rose and the little strip to go under my patterned paper is pretty in pink. Can you believe all of those pinks, not one is the same??? It's insane!!

So I knew I wanted to have some sort of item in the middle of the card and for the longest time I couldn't figure out what. Made me realize I have a darn lot of sentiment stamps but not many of actual objects or animals or anything useful. In hindsight, I should've used my little pug stamp set that I ordered along with my Doodle Factory creatures but my original plan was to have something that I can attempt to watercolor again. Anyways so now I dug into my costco bucket of ribbon and found this cute little bugger floating around. I figured he'd replace that scalloped thing I was trying to go for because it was definitely not working how I had planned.

Ok now I know it's suddenly like, "Whoa where'd that card pop out from?" and trust me, I would've taken many more a photos if it was even the slightest bit interesting for you to see but it wasn't. So I saved you the agony and just sped up the process a touch. Just think of it as hitting the handy fast forward button on the mouse. So there were actually 2 sheets of patterned paper I had from Michael's and this was the other one. The hearts one I showed at first really didn't thrill me. Now I'll have to find another way to dispose of it. So I used a retired SU stamp set called Very Punny. It's super cute and I'm glad I found it on ebay. The little cow was just stamped in black and I colored in his patches with close to cocoa. I had to ask Jamie what color a cow normally is because I'm just so tired. His answer: "Well it depends on the cow." So I colored in the little moo moo and punched him out with a 1 1/4" circle punch, then layered him onto a 1 3/8" circle punched out in pretty in pink. That was popped up with some dimensionals onto a scalloped circle regal rose and I just love those adding those little 1/16" circles along the scalloped edge. I don't know why I like doing that but I just do.

So final thoughts on the card... I'm not thrilled with it. But I'm sure my body will be thrilled if I can crawl into bed by 1 am. I've forgotten how tiring 12 hour days can be even if it's not running your butt off in the hospital.

So here's your challenge. Get off your butt and WUAC!! Here are some ideas to link it back to mine: use pink pink and more pink, layer paper like mad, use similar punches if you've got or make a card with a cow! If you're still stuck, well I'm sure we'll all be happy if you make a v-day card. And if you happen to not celebrate v-day, then heck just glue some paper onto paper and call it a night.


  1. Ok, so I'm not happy with this card and it took 2.5 hours!!! Why? you ask....I have NO idea....I stuck with the colouring rule and the layering and the pink, those were my contributions to the rules!!!

  2. Oh darn,,,,,this is so frustrating. I don't know why the picture is so small, and I did it the same way as before. I REALLY like this card and you can hardly see it! Argh........

  3. Arlie, I love, love, love it - it's beautiful. Awesome job!

  4. oh my the cards are gorgeous!!!
    and regan the card is beautiful, i don't know why you don't like it!! both cards put my card to shame

  5. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with your card, Sandy!! I also have to say I totally love your sign off....'then heck just glue some paper on paper and call it a night'. FYI, I'm going to use that from now on!!!

  6. maybe that's what your blog should be called! paper on paper =)

  7. Thanks for the compliment Regan. I did have fun making it and I was proud of my wee accomplishment.

  8. Ok Sandy, I'm trying to become a follower of your blog, but not sure how, can you help?
