Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Still No Cards

Well it's definitely been a LONG time since I've made a card. I can't even believe it myself!! For those that are wondering what the heck happened... Here's my excuse. After my last post, Jamie and I started trying to get a workout in at the end of the night. That took the place of my card making time. We fell off that workout bandwagon really fast. Probably 2 weeks? And then I just never found the time to sit down and make another card. I still have no time as I'll be going to TOKYO in 2 days!! We found amazing deals for our flight. You won't even believe it!! $406 CAD round trip including all taxes.. How insane is that??? It's definitely not the best time for vacation with all our house renos not touched yet but at that price, how could we resist? We booked a week ago and booked our "hotel" on Sunday. Everything is happening sooo crazy fast!! I started a packing list and I better get going on the actual packing. If you have me on facebook, I'll be trying to update my status as we go on our Tokyo adventure. Hopefully the card bug bites me when I get back!! SAYONARA!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like looking at your cards :) Maybe Japan with it's moderness and technology will inspire crazy cards!
