Sunday, September 27, 2009

Card Afternoon at Kim's!

So we had a little card afternoon at Regan's neighbor Kim's house. We were all a bit strapped for time so there were 2 cards we made. I borrowed the technique with SU's new shimmer paint from Andrea Walford's blog with the Medallion stamp. I LOVE that stamp!! I also wanted to show a scrapbook page that I worked on for my friend Julie's bridal shower a while back. All the girls got together and each did two pages to put into a scrapbook for her as a surprise gift.


  1. Sandy-these cards are great!!! The colors & layout of the Medallion card are so perfect... I may have to case it!

  2. I heart card #1, esp the big red florish used! #2 scares me a bit :( I don't want to think about how fast winter is approaching!
