Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mojo 112 & Color Throwdown 68

Wow. Can you believe I haven't participated in a card challenge since MAY!?!?!? I know.. I'm a little shocked myself!!! Of course I'm back to my old habits of posting late at night. This will be a short post since I have to work tomorrow. I combined mojo monday and color throwdown (some of my old time favorites!) This card was made for my friends Annette and John's housewarming party tonight.


  1. Hi Sandy! This is a crisp and wonderfully graphic use of the Color Throwdown Challenge! I love the clean lines and super flower embellishment ~ what wonderful use of these colors! I'm SURE your friends LOVED this card! Wahooo!

  2. Great housewarming card! I love how you used the colors! Thanks so much for playing the Color Throwdown challenge with us!!

  3. I love the brightness of the yellow and the contrast with the gray. It's funky but yet elegantly simple! And I love love how the gray peaks out from inside the card.

  4. this is so very pretty, great job....luvin the combo of colors...have a wonderful day!

    enjoy *~*
