Monday, December 21, 2009

Quickie Christmas Card

I started writing all my Christmas cards and realized that I was 2 short! It's past midnight so I had to whip up 2 cards really quick. I did the same design but used different colors. I'm so happy that I got to use my Delightful Decorations stamp set and punch and my Big Shot! I sure haven't used any of them enough this season. And from all the blog photos I've seen this little spikey thing holding up people's cards. I've always wanted one of them but never knew what the heck they were even called. I finally figured out somehow that it is called a flower frog and was so excited to tell Jamie. He just said "Oh yah, they sell them at Lee Valley." So he came home one day and surprised me with my very own!! Now it's not cool and antique like most of the ones I've seen but I figured I can just leave it in the elements a bit if I want to weather it down a bit.

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