Monday, February 8, 2010

Mini Interoffice Envelopes for Liz

It's been a while but about a month ago my best bud Liz calls me in a panic asking if she can come over to finish the scrapbook she was making for her and Bang's 8 year anniversary. I had to work that weekend so I couldn't pull the long hours that she did and let me tell you, she pulled some LONG hours. We're both such procrastinators and never ever learn. She basically lived at my house that weekend. She did finish though and the final product was GORGEOUS. I don't have pictures of it though =(  She was thinking of having some sort of envelope to hold all of their old movie stubs etc so I thought it'd be super cute to make some little interoffice type envelopes. It took a couple tries and some sketching to figure out the measurements but the final product was super cute!! 

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