Tuesday, April 20, 2010

54 Mini 3x3 Thank You Cards

In case some of you were wondering what I've been busy with, I'll fill you in. I gave out little mini 3x3 Valentine's day cards in February and my manager was interested in getting some thank you cards made. She requested between 50-60 of them!! So I've been working like mad trying to get them done. Boy let me tell you how hard it is thinking of different designs for thank you cards! Especially when you have such little space to work with. I finished about 10 more tonight bringing my total up to 54. I'm tired of making them and I'm just plain tired! So I'll be bringing those to work tomorrow and hopefully she likes them!! Here's a couple pictures to show you my huge collection of mini cards! Good night!! 


  1. Awesome job, Sandy! You're so talented!! :)

  2. Wow, these are great! I just found your blog and am reading the whole thing as fast as I can. I love your cards! I was wondering, do you have any closer-up pictures of these cards? I'd love to try to recreate some of them. Thanks!
