Friday, May 28, 2010

Relay For Life!!

Canadian Cancer Society
www.cancer.caAbout usCelebrateRememberFight back

Wow the big day is tomorrow and I'm excited! I can't believe how generous people are. I originally started with a goal of raising $200 but that goal was quickly smashed so I raised my goal to $500 and I'm very excited to say I've smashed that goal too!! My final total reached a staggering $645!! And Team Dawn raised over $6400, breaking our goal of $5000. We even beat last year's amount which is incredible. The amount will likely be higher because Penny was still tabulating everything tonight. The only thing I'm not excited about is the weather. I'll definitely need to dress warmly and a big thanks to Dianne for bringing me some warm polar fleece. I'm sure I'll be needing it.

11°C | 2°C

12°C | 3°C
Now I would like to say a BIG BIG thank you to all the amazing people I know because it's not always easy to give but so many of you offered your support in a heartbeat. These amazing people deserve a little shout out. So a BIG THANKS to: Mark (the first to sponsor!), Cynthia, Van, Laura, the Mitchell family, Lorraine, Steve, Christine, Amber, Arlie, Elizabeth, Leslie, Alice, Gaydene, Laura B., Linda, Karen and Dianne. I better head to bed because I need to work in the morning. So my day tomorrow will go as so: wake up at 8:00, work till 17:30, come home and grab Jamie to head out to the Relay for Life, hopefully stay up all night and head home at 8:00 Sunday morning. Boy I'm not looking forward to staying up for 24 hours running in the cold rainy weather. Please think of me when you're warm and toasty in your beds at 3:00 AM. 

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