Monday, June 7, 2010

PPC-CC #16

Boy oh boy blogger has not been nice to me lately!!! Its service has been "interrupted" for the last few days and I wasn't able to post or comment on blogs!!! Anyways I'm glad it's up and running now! It's Monday and that means time for another great color challenge from Megan over at the Picture Perfect Creations blog! This week's colors are super bright and I absolutely love Sahara Sand. In pictures it looks a little bit too much like Kraft, but I did use Sahara Sand!
 I made 2 cards with the same layout. This second one was made for my friend Jennifer's bridal shower yesterday. I really like this simple layout and the fact that you can use ribbon (which I love!) and other embellishments.The photo was actually taken on my lap while I was at a red light! I know... Super terrible of me and so distracting but I assure you, it was a very long red light and I took the picture really fast! 
If you have time, pop on over to the PPC-CC blog for this week's color challenge! 

1 comment:

  1. Sandy, thanks for the sweet words on my LO this week :) I appreciate it!

    I really love how you did the blue inking, it looks great!
