Monday, June 14, 2010

PPC-CC #17

Whooo hoo!! It's time for another color challenge over at the Picture Perfect Creations blog!! I would've never combined these colors but boy Megan did a great job picking as usually! I'm very happy with how my card turned out this week and I think the colors look great together! If you've got time, head on over to the PPC-CC blog to take part this week! And stay tuned for details on our upcoming supper blog hop!! Click HERE for more details. 
Now onto my card for this week's color challenge. I CASEd it from Renee's blog. If you haven't seen her work, please visit her blog because her work is simply AMAZING!!! 


  1. Wow that is a lovely striking card! Well done.

  2. Sandy, I just love how you put these colors together. Your card is simple but sooooooo elegant. I don't have the same stamps, but I am going to find something close to case this from you. Ya, I always want things to slow down, but at least I might be able to sleep in a little for one day...LOL. Just love your work...WAY to ROCK it!!! LOL....we both picked the same back ground but I ave been fiddling with it all day. Your blog looks awesome Sandy :)
