Thursday, August 12, 2010

No Paper/Product Buying Challenge!!!

Now for all of you that know me, I am a self-proclaimed hoarder. I hoard everything from paper stationary to old clothes to even Khuno's (my dog) fur!!! Since I started meddling in the paper crafts, I must admit that I've accumulated a lot of patterned paper. I've got two entire cases of paper from Costco just sitting there collecting 2 years worth of dust. Although it was a fantastic deal, I just don't get around to using any of it because it never matches Stampin' Up's colors. Well that's going to change! A couple of my blogging world friends Megan and Allison started a NO PAPER/PRODUCT BUYING CHALLENGE!

The Challenge: Complete 100 Crafty Projects (beginning August 1, 2010) before you're allowed to buy any paper/tools/accessories! It's like a support group for those of us not allowed to buy paper! It also gives us a really good excuse to allow more time to get crafty and to do what we love! 

And of course, with every challenge, there are rules...

Challenge Rules:
1. You must complete 
100 different paper-related projects. AT LEAST 50 of these projects must be shown on your blog. For the project to count, you must mention in the post that you created the project for the No Paper Buying Challenge.

2. You are allowed to buy consumable items such as adhesives (glue dots, tape runners, etc.), tool accessories (Cricut blades, Big Shot plates, etc.), and embellishments (use good judgement -- do you really need them?).

3. You must keep track of the number of projects you complete. Please display a Project Challenge Tracker on your page and update regularly so we know how many projects everyone has completed.

4. Please be honest with the number of projects you report to have completed!

5. You may enter this challenge at any time. The sooner you join, though, the better chance you have of winning!

6. You must be signed up to be eligible to win a prize. You can send Allison a comment at to sign up. Plus, once we know you're participating, we can support each other while we try to use up our paper stashes. Once you have completed all 100 projects, please send Allison an email at so she can get your information and send your prize pack out!

Prizes: The first two individuals to complete 100 projects will receive a special prize pack from Megan and Allison. They will share details on the prize packs once we have some idea of how many people are participating.

This prize-contest officially started 
August 1, 2010 and will end whenever the first person completes all 100 of their projects; your personal No Paper Buying Challenge may end at a different date. Don't give up if you're not first or second!! ;)

Happy crafting everyone!!! 

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