Monday, August 30, 2010

PPC-CC #28 & Fall To Layout #105

Happy Monday everyone! This post is a touch late because blogger was uncooperative yesterday. I'm officially on vacation for a week but unfortunately I have to go in for a meeting tomorrow morning. Jamie and I both took a week of vacation to work on the house but it looks like the time will be used to do more catch up than renos. We've got a huge list of things to do before we even touch the kitchen renos. First off, we need to finish that darn laundry room. So Jamie was madly doing laundry today so we can unplug both machines and hopefully drywall tomorrow. We need to bring Khuno for his yearly shots and check-up, he desperately needs to be groomed and I also need my annual check-up! I've also set up a couple lunch dates with some friends and on Saturday we have an all day concert to go to. To end off our vacation, we have a friend's wedding on Sunday. Phew! Just thinking about it makes me feel like I have no time at all! To top that all off, I've finally booked an appointment and saw a chiropractor today about my numb foot issue when I run. The consult alone cost me $89! Gee whiz. So tomorrow I've got an appointment to do some work on my lower legs so that'll be another $39. Lets just hope it works! 
This week over at Picture Perfect Creations, the colors aren't ones I usually put together but I think it worked out in the end. I combined the colors with Fall To Layout #105. The technique used is double emboss resist and the DSP is from Walk In The Park. Yay! Another project down for the No paper/product buying challenge. I do have to confess though, I did put in an order recently for paper that I need to hold an upcoming workshop. Technically, the paper really isn't for me..... So I'm going to keep going with the challenge! Hopefully you have time to join us at PPC this week! 


  1. Beautiful card, Sandy! I love the technique you used :-)

  2. Wow, Beautiful double emboss resist on this card! Lovely!
