Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sharing In Her Sorrow

I missed a call late Friday night while out eating dinner with my girlfriends. It was a call from a dear friend at work. I checked my voicemail and received a message that knocked the wind out of me. I didn't even get a chance to hear the entire message before the tears started to fall. The message left was that my friend has just got a call informing her that her son and daughter-in-law had just been killed in a car accident. I stumbled out of the restaurant to call my friend and could hardly speak when she answered. Her son Michael and his wife, Merin, had died in a head on collision. The news is still surreal to me. Michael and Merin became proud parents just a mere 7 weeks ago and my friend, a proud grandma. My heart is heavy and it aches even as I write this. Their families are in my thoughts and prayers. A trust fund has been started for their baby girl, Ysa. To find more details about the trust fund, please visit here. 


  1. WOW, Sandy, I am so sorry to read this! I just thought I would drop in after you commented about my kids starting school last Friday. What a tragedy for Ysa, I will be praying for this family, please send my condolences. BIG HUGE HUG to you, too, my friend!

    Blessings, Nicole

  2. Oh no - how horrible!! I just heard about the accident in the news this morning. My heart goes out to your friend, Ysa, and all the family. I'm so sorry to hear this and will be thinking of and praying for them all. Hugs...
