Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hopefully everyone had a great Monday. I'm not big on celebrating Valentine's Day but it's still nice to give cards out! All my girlfriends got together to hand out Valentine's Day cards on Friday night. We all made little mailboxes for ourselves. It was elementary all over again! Perhaps it's because the mastermind behind it all is a kindergarten teacher... 
I made some chocolate candy holders to give to my girlfriends instead of just plain cards. Perhaps it's because the nursing students at work bought us an entire tub of peppermint patties. I just googled for a video and found one from Dawn. You can see her video here. These are so ridiculously easy to make. I ended up making 15 of them. 
I also decided to make Jamie a little card because this will be the only Valentine's Day that he'll be my fiancĂ©! I loved the card that Kristina Werner made so I CASEd that card. You can see her card here. I sorta misjudged how big the word "fiance" would be but I had already stamped the "wonderful." Oh well! It's the thought that counts right? Kristina used Stickles and I don't own any because I can't justify paying more than a buck for glittery glue. Instead, I used the Smooch Pearlized Top Coat to draw in little hearts. Worked like a charm. It was super easy to use with a felt tip applicator. Definitely handy to have around. 
Have a great night! 

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