Saturday, April 9, 2011

Farewell PPC-CC Design Team

The last month has been so incredible busy with wedding stuff that I haven't found anytime to craft. What time I do have is spent working on wedding invitations! Unfortunately I had to say goodbye to the girls on the Picture Perfect Creations design team. I'm sad but I know I can't give them 100% right now and it's not fair to the other girls and Megan. I can't believe it was a whole year I was able to spend with the girls. They have all inspired me and I'll miss them all.

They just announced a new design team so hop on over to the PPC-CC blog to see the new team!


  1. We'll miss you dearly, Sandy! Thank you for everything and good luck with your wedding! We'll all be back to visit you!
    -Megs :)

  2. You will be dearly missed Sandy! I wish you all the best with your wedding plans and can't WAIT to see your beautiful day in pics :) Take care girlie and be sure to pop in and play with us if you get a spare minute *wink*

    Luv and hugs! xoxoxo
