Thursday, March 26, 2009

WUAC Wednesday (Thursday....)

  So this week's WUAC Wednesday is a little bit different. I won't be posting a series of photos that will go through the process of me whipping up a card. Instead, this week I'm just posting pictures of a project that I'll be having guests make at my open house this Saturday! So the two pictures feature a gift card holder. Jinnee actually found the template online found HERE. A SUPER cute gift card holder that is really easy to make with a few score lines and some paper and sticky strip. Now here I've made it using Sahara Sand, Olid Olive DSP, Always Artichoke and either Not Quite Navy or Rose Red. I'm not 100% thrilled with the color combination. I had a really tough time pairing colors up with the Old Olive DSP. I think I might play around with some other papers I have and come up with a different color scheme for the open house. Speaking of which...

So this Saturday between 12 and 3 pm, will be my very first public open house. I don't have huge plans for it to be honest. I've got some friends coming and a neighbor. I did post a big sign up on my window and had a poster up on a community bulletin board at Sobey's for a few days but I really don't suspect it'll draw a lot of people in. And of course I did a massive Facebook invite and I've got a couple responses from that. Along with my open house, I'm having my friend Rosie over who is an Epicure consultant. I'm super excited to have her because the first time I was at her open house I didn't buy a lot of things but the more I use what I bought, the more I want to buy!!! Makes me uber excited. I'll have to clear out some space in our "pantry" (really just a china cabinet that the previous owners let behind for us).  So I'll post some updates after the open house and hopefully get some pictures and what not. If you're in the city and interested in coming, leave me a comment with your contact info and I'll get some more info to you. 


WUAC Wednesday Rules:

1. You have 1 week to make a card inspired by the card I've made. It can be any inspiration that is related to this card. So that means it can be the same layout, design, stamp set, colors, etc etc.

2. Link it to Mister Linky below. If I find a spam link or if you link incorrectly, it will be deleted. Link to the blog entry and NOT to your general blog.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just replying to your post on my site, that cards didn't have any cricut use!! But, I'm glad you think it's cute!
