Wednesday, April 1, 2009

WUAC Wednesday

So this week I've decided to change it up a little bit. I'm not sure how useful it was for me to post all the pictures of the cardmaking process. From now on, WUAC Wednesdays will just feature a card I've made! Plain and simple. And Regan, as you've probably noticed, you're the only one who plays! And I know sometimes it's a challenge for you too! So I've decided to not add Mister Linky because it's just extra work that isn't needed. Regan can you just put your link in the comment section? Please and thank you!! 

Now moving onto the actual WUAC part. I had an open house on Saturday and had prepped a bunch of little 3x3 cards. No one ended up making any so I took the luxury of making all of them myself! I used a bunch of random things and got to use my punches! I'm really loving the new scalloped oval in the new mini catalogue that is available TODAY! The coordinating set is super cute and I'm glad I got good use out of it. Now a challenge for you this week isn't to relate your card to mine but to create a cute little 3x3 card! Simple enough still right? 

And I just had to throw in some pictures of Khuno. He's in almost full shed mode. Well at least we think so. It's our first "shedding" season since we've had him and yesterday night I managed to come out a little ball of it from JUST the bottom half of his two front legs.... Now can you imagine the rest of the body?!?! And just to let you know, the picture of the black thing is actually my pants!! 

1 comment:

  1. This took a few days due to clinical, but here she is!
