Sunday, April 26, 2009

365 Cards Day 56 & My Time to Color #1

I've done another double-up card today . It combines today's 365 Card challenge and Lauren over is having her very first My Time to Color Challenge! Today's challenge over at the 365 Cards blog was to create a card for "See Through Saturday" using arylic. When I first read this, I was starting to panic because I don't have any acrylic sheets and thought, "Oh here it goes, I have to miss a challenge."
But I went waltzing into the living room asking Jamie and my friend if they have noticed any sort of packaging laying around that I could use that was see through. 
Low and behold Jamie produces this little flash drive that he had picked up for me! 
Can you believe a 4GB flash drive is only $10 now?!?!?! Ridiculous!! 

Anyways so I hacked away at the package and took the back of the package to make the front of my card. The inking isn't the greatest on the flower from SU's Petal Pizzazz but I tried! 
There's a hint of yellow in the center of the flower and also on the inside. The paper is from SU and the letters are from Basic Grey. Hope everyone has a great Sunday! I gotta work tomorrow so I better get to bed. G'nite!! 


  1. Really cute card, love the colors!

  2. Oh you are brilliant!!! Love the idea of using packaging to make the whole card. I'll need to remember I have used it to cut shapes but never thought to use it whole like this...awesome card!

  3. way to recycle girlfriend! awesome.

  4. Awesome job with this challenge. I love that you rescued some trash and made it a treasure.

  5. This is super fabulous!!! Love it!!

  6. Great use of what you had on hand. This turned out super! You're very creative!

  7. great job on both of these challenges - your card is gorgeous!

  8. OMG! I love that! I keep hoarding the acrylic and then forgetting to use it! Great card! You did a wonderful job!

  9. How very green of you! Your see thru card turned out incredible. Loving the black letters in contrast to the bright flowers.
