Monday, April 27, 2009

365 Cards Day 57 & Color Inspiration 50

Well today's challenge over at 365 Cards is Super Sketchy Sunday. I've combined it with Kristina's 50th Color Inspiration challenge. I discovered Kristina's blog through my good friend Jinnee and I've been hooked ever since. Her style is so clean and slick and I love love love the cards that she makes. If you haven't been by her blog, pop and by and I'm sure you'll be hooked. Play long with the challenge as well if you have time because the prizes are GREAT. 

Tomorrow is my best friend Liz's 26th birthday and we're going on a shopping date! We've both been tight on cash lately with our HUGE mortgages so we've decided to keep it cheap this year. I wanted to make her a card and the whole reason I bought the teacher Anya stamp was because of her! Now I know she's Chinese and this Anya totally looks Caucasian but for Kristina's challenge, I couldn't use black!  The dew dots I used look a touch purple in the picture but they're definitely red in person. 
Now the inside of this card is NOT part of Kristina's challenge because I had to use black for the blackboard. Jamie came up with the idea and I LOVE IT! I should've been smarter about my equation on the black board but oh well... And another thing about the front of this card. I couldn't figure out how big to cut the middle square so I had to ask Jamie what's the smartest way and can you believe we had to bust out PYTHAGOREAM'S THEROM?!?!?! Anyways, I just thought it was funny that I had to use a part of my brain that I haven't used in a LONG time to make this card. Happy 26th Birthday Liz!! (and no, you're not that old.... yet..)


  1. Cute stamp on the outside but I really laughed when I saw the inside, what a great idea for a friend with a sense of humour xx

  2. Oh Sandy, you crack me UP! What a fab birthday card...26 years old is not old sista...I wish I was 26 years old's love your blackboard...tooooo fun!

  3. hi Sanady this is adorable!!!! A little update to all who asked I will be posting a video on my leather purse later this week. Enjoy~Donna

  4. This is great, love the way you have added the sentiment

  5. I love the inside! Your skills + Jamie's brain = awesomeness!

  6. Oh my gosh! That is a super fun sentiment you made up. Fabulous job on the color combo.

    It's a good life!
    Terri E.
