Monday, April 12, 2010

The First PPC Creators Design Team Revealed!!

Now I'm not sure if any of you remember when I talked about applying to become a creator for Picture Perfect Creations Crafty Challenge blog when I posted here, but I did end up finishing my application and sending it in. Well Megan over at the PPC-CC blog had a huge response and got a whole schwack of applicants. After a week of anxiety and me constantly checking to see if the she had made the announcement yet, the new design team was announced yesterday! So Megan chose 10 lucky girls to be a part of her first design team and of those lucky girls is MOI!!! I'm very very excited because I've never done anything like this before and it's definitely going to help me learn and grow in ways I can't even fathom because all the ladies are uber talented and I already feel like we've started a little family. So I wanted to give Megan a super BIG CYBER HUG and a huge thanks for giving me this opportunity. I also want to say congrats to Megan as she is expecting her first little one!!! I must say I'm very excited to get started and I know it's going to be a big learning curve for the entire team but it's going to be so much fun! Here's the list of our new team: 

So let's kick start this Monday with challenge #8! 
My card is a lil flower pot card made from instructions found here. I'm making these cute cards for this month's workshops as well. I decided to use the Rock 'n' Roll technique for the flowers just to give them an extra little something. The technique, if you don't already know, is super easy. Basically ink up your stamp in a light color and then roll just the edges of the stamp in a darker color (while trying to not hit the middle). You get a really cool effect. Now a lesson I've learnt while doing this technique is that you always want to think, "What if I mixed these two colors in a pot together, would it look like poop?" And I'm being totally serious here because I found the Melon Mambo and Bashful blue turned out great because it almost turned into a light purple. The Pumpkin Pie and Bashful Blue was starting to look a bit like breastfeeding poop because what happens when you mix blue and orange in a pot? It looks like poop! The flower on top looks quite red and that's from mixing Pumpkin Pie and Melon Mambo. Anywhooo enough chit chat. I'll be sure to keep you on posted on the happenings over at the PPC-CC blog. If you haven't discovered it yet, pop on over and take a peek! There's a lotta fun waiting to happen! 

Card Ingredients (All items Stampin’ Up unless indicated.)
Stamps:Petal Pizzazz
Ink: Melon Mambo, Bashful Blue, Garden Green, Pumpkin Pie
Paper: Pumpkin Pie, Whisper White, Welcome Neighbor DSP
Embellishments: Grosgrain ribbon 
Tools: Scallop edge punch


  1. I love this card. I haven't seen this card idea before, I love the way you did the flowers. WTG!!

  2. Sandy, just lovely!! Glad to meet ya and can't wait to get to know ya better!

  3. What a cute, jolly and very colorful card! I like it so much! The colors are so alive.
    dining tables

  4. gorgeous and very original card!!

  5. cute flower pot. I love your terra;)and the flowers are so colorful-gorgeous!
